Liebster Award


Recently I was nominated for a the Liebster Award by the talented blogger of Qui Talks, they have been blogging for longer than I have and I’ve really enjoyed following them, their posts are informative, interesting and inspiring. It’s such an honour to be nominated and so I’d like to thank them again for their nomination. For more information on the rules for the Liebster award, check out: The Global Aussie


Why I blog

Blogging for me is a community experience, I love meeting new people and getting to know others and different cultures. It’s also an opportunity to share experiences and ideas with the wider community. You can blog about anything; good, bad, stories, interests… the options are limited by your imagination. I blog to express myself, my quirky, sometimes awkward and goofy self that at one point I was too shy to express. Blogging is the kind of thing that can take hours, minutes, weeks, it varies, all that matters is that you share what you want and need to share.


About Me!

  • I love cosplaying and dressing up
  • I love Eurovision and pretty much all international events that bring communities together
  • I have a small book collection with a couple hundred books (all organized by author and series…..)………I want to have a library one day
  • I love animals and cute little fluffy things, scaly reptiles and feathery birds…..but Cassowary’s and Geese scare me
  • I sometimes like to pretend that my life is a musical and like to burst out into song for random reasons whether at home or in public (other people occasionally join me)
  • I get cold very easily and love warm weather
  • I enjoy watching scary movies with my family and making hypothetical contingency plans for the films
  • I like to sketch sometimes and write songs
  • I am incapable of changing lightbulbs
  • I am kind of clumsy sometimes, but I think I’ve grown out it



Why do you blog in one word? Expression

When did you start blogging? Technically I first started blogging per say in 2014 after the ebola outbreak, but that wasn’t a personal blog. I was frustrated, angry and upset and I just needed a method of venting. But that was short lived and I didn’t blog for a few years until I started here. Now I am focussing on health and wellbeing, as well as good self image; things that I am passionate about and essentially reflect who I am as a person.

Has your blogging journey been easy or hard? I think it’s been hard, but definitely worth-while. I still feel anxiety when I post and comment, but I am a shy person. Instead I like to think it’s the difficult things that are worthwhile. Besides, it’s best not to continually fall victim to fear and anxiety, so instead I’ll do things that I know will make me happy, even if I’d normally avoid it.

What advice do you have for people looking to start blogging? First I’d say “Do you have something that you want to share with at-least 1 other person?”, “What’s stopping you?”. If you have something to share, then share it, everyone is unique, special, different. We all have our own perspectives and there are people out there who want to know what you have to say, so say it, scream it, shout it from the roof tops if you have to… just don’t keep it inside saying “I’m not good enough”, “I’m not interesting”, “What if no-one follows me…”. The reality is, you won’t know until you try and if you never try you’ll be filled with regrets. So, don’t live a life full of regret!

Do you want to turn your blog into a business or is this for fun? Very difficult question, at the moment I see this blog as something that I’m doing for fun, expression…an extension of myself. I don’t really see it as becoming a business at the moment, maybe someday in the future. I like to keep my options open, I’ll see where I am in a year and ponder this question again and what I want to do with my blog.

What inspires you? Life inspires me; seeing people going out and not falling victim to adversity inspires me.

What country are you from? Sierra Leone, West Africa

Put an image of the flag of your nationality!





  1. How have your dreams changed between when you were younger and now?
  2. What is your favourite guilty pleasure activity? (eg. Binge watching Netflix, going to the arcade, etc.)
  3. If you were asked to make a film next week, what would it be about?
  4. What are your top 5 favourite places to go when you don’t have any commitments?
  5. What’s the nicest thing a friend or family member has done for you?
  6. If you could change one thing in the world today, what would it be?
  7. What was your least favourite vacation and why?
  8. If you could discover one thing, what would it be?
  9. What’s your favourite capital city?
  10. In which ever language you speak at home, what is your favourite word?
  11. What’s your favourite movie of 2017?

27 thoughts on “Liebster Award

  1. Thank you so much for the nomination. Unfortunately, I stopped accepting awards several months ago because it was taking time away from my writing. I hope you understand. Please know that I am greatly honored by the nomination. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations love, well-deserved! I loved reading your answers, honestly I would have never guessed you were a shy person seen we chat via comments. Haha and I completely agree with not living a life full of regret! Hope all is well!💕

    Liked by 1 person

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